Alright Grow-Ups,
Most of know your standard what to do's and what not to do's in the bathroom, especially at work. Or do we? Here are some interesting restroom behavior I've experienced and would not encourage:
*Talking on Cell Phones- I mean LOUDLY conversating. I find myself questioning when and how to time my flush to not be rude....but, hey, I think all concerns for rudeness are already out the door, right?
*Working Out- Yep, closing yourself into the large hadicapp equiped stall does not create your own private gym space! And why, oh why, would you ever lay on the floor of a public restroom?!?! Your abs can get their workout when you get the 'ick' and cough relentlessly from laying down on the BATHROOM FLOOR!!
*Conducting A Dental Exam- So, when you spend your 30 minute lunch break in the bathroom plugging in your water pick, flossing, brushing and whatever else you're doing,could you be a buddy and give me some space to wash my hands? Your dentist will be proud, but your coworkers are awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with you.
*Returning the Newspaper to the Breakroom- Sad, but true, but I have seen coworkers of the male persuasion return their inspirational reading material to the staff kitchen, after they have been...inspired. And I can confirm that on at least one occasion, a remnant of sorts was left on said reading material. It's okay, we are all good with a no return policy on this one, please.
Talking on cell phones got to be the worst of all! I feel like flushing away their phones let alone being polite and delaying flushing until they are done blabbering! :)